James Taylor

James Taylor is the President of the Heartland Institute. Taylor is also director of Heartland's Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism.



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An Inconvenient Truth: Gore Proven Spectacularly Wrong on Glacier National Park

In his 2006 book, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore asserted there would be no more glaciers in Glacier National Park by 2012. “Our own Glacier National Park will soon need to be renamed, ‘the...

An Inconvenient Truth: Gore Proven Spectacularly Wrong on Snows of Kilimanjaro

In his 2006 book, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore asserted there would be no more snows on Mt. Kilimanjaro by the year 2016. To the contrary, Mt. Kilimanjaro, located just 205 miles from the...

New Climate Summary Debunks Ocean Acidification Scare

The oceans are not acidic, and more carbon dioxide is stimulating phytoplankton growth and marine life, reports a new summary published at ClimateAtAGlance.com. The new summary: Climate at a Glance: Ocean Acidification, documents that...

DailyKos: It’s OK for Climate Alarmists to Make Things Up Out of Thin Air

The leftist website Daily Kos published an article yesterday claiming climate alarmists are more scientifically credible when they make things up out of thin air – while presenting no supporting scientific facts or evidence...

No, New Jersey Sea Level Is NOT Rising at Double the Global Average

The New Jersey news website NorthJersey.com told a whopper of a lie yesterday in its fawning coverage of The Climate Delusion. The website is championing state officials requiring schools to incorporate climate change into...

New Peer-Reviewed Study DESTROYS Alarmist Snowstorm Claims

A newly published peer-reviewed study is destroying years of claims by climate alarmists and the Establishment Media that global warming makes winter snowstorms more frequent and deadly. In contrast to the longstanding alarmist narrative,...

Friends of Science Releases Study Debunking Alarmist Katharine Hayhoe

The Canadian science organization Friends of Science is taking alarmist ringleader Katharine Hayhoe to climate school, releasing a 78-page study debunking Hayhoe’s climate misinformation. Friends of Science describes its study as “a plain language...

No, Climate Change Is NOT Making Trees Shorter

Among the top Google News results this morning for “climate change” is a National Public Radio (NPR) article with the headline, “Climate Change and Deforestation Mean Earth’s Trees Are Younger and Shorter.” The article’s...

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