James Taylor

James Taylor is the President of the Heartland Institute. Taylor is also director of Heartland's Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism.



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Climate Activists Throw in the Towel, Admit They Have Failed

The progressive news blog Vox admitted Friday that one-sided media coverage, one-sided student indoctrination, one-sided government propaganda, and an enormous funding-and-spending advantage have failed to carry the debate against Climate Realism. Summarizing the climate...

Reconciliation Bill Sends U.S. Money, Jobs, and Energy Security to China

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi like to refer to their proposed $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package as “Build Back Better.” In reality, they should call it, “Build China Better.” The reconciliation bill’s wind and...

Facts Debunk NPR Claim that Global Warming Is Causing Dying Trees, Power Outages

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Congressional Directive to National Academies Shows Politics Drive Climate Research

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Denver Post Claims Global Warming Causing Heat-Loving Tarantulas to Disappear from Colorado

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Klutz Stumbles into Hornet Nest, Google News Blames Global Warming

Google News today is promoting an article in which a klutz in Washington state stumbled into a hornets’ nest, got stung, and then blamed global warming. In reality, hornets have always existed in Washington...

Sorry, CNBC, Britain’s Economy Is Already Seeing Rapid Gains Due to Climate Change

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Kamala Blames Global Warming Rather than Covid Policies for Christmas Logistical Disruptions

Vice President Kamala Harris preemptively blamed global warming rather than ongoing Covid policies for the continuation of delivery delays and other logistical disruptions that may impact this Christmas season. During a media interview last week...

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