H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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ABC News Promotes Misleading Claim by the U.N. That Climate Change Is Causing Madagascar Food Crisis, a Claim Undermined by the U.N.’s Own Data

A Google news search for the term “climate change’ today turns up a number of stories in the mainstream media promoting the United Nations (UN) World Food Programme (WFP) claim that climate change is...

Sorry, Nat Geo, Data Falsifies Your Climate Change Crisis Claims

A pictorial essay in National Geographic (Nat Geo) claims to show human climate change causing various natural disasters. It is often said “a picture is worth a thousand words.” If true, in this instance,...

Media Conflates Weather with ‘Climate Change’ in  Lake Tahoe Stories

Within the space of 24 hours news reports highlighted both that Lake Tahoe had fallen below its natural rim threatening water flows to the Truckee River and the Truckee-Carson Irrigation district, and that, in...

The Lancet Makes False Climate Change Death Claims, Media Swallows Them

The Washington Post, among a number of other mainstream media outlets, covered a new report published by the medical journal, The Lancet, which claims climate change is causing illness, hunger, and premature death. The...

The Hill Is Wrong, Climate Change Is Grossly Overemphasized as a Factor Causing Wildfires

Near the top of a Google news search for the phrase “climate change” today turns up a story in The Hill claiming the media is failing to properly place the blame for wildfires on...

Mainstream Media Hypes False Claims Climate Change is Killing Coral

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Sorry, Idaho County Free Press, Climate Change Is Not Disrupting Idaho Agriculture

A generally accurate story in the Idaho County Free Press (ICFP) numbers increasingly extreme weather due to climate change among the challenges facing agriculture in the state, resulting in a decline in farmers. This...

North Dakota Professor and the Williston Herald Mislead about Ag-Climate Connection

The Williston Herald (North Dakota) published a story claiming climate change is both a significant cause of climate change and is being decimated by it. Both claims are false. Data show agriculture does not...

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