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No, Associated Press, the Projected Increase in Heat-Related Deaths in Europe is Statistical Fearmongering
A recent article by the Associated Press (AP) “Study projects millions of European heat deaths as world warms” was carried by dozens of media...
The Earth is Not “Drying Out,” Associated Press
The Associated Press (AP) claims in a recent article, “Earth’s lands are drying out. Nations are trying to address it in talks this week,”...
No, Vox, Measuring Burps and Farts Will Not Save the Planet
A recent article at Vox, titled “Scientists are measuring burps and farts. It could help save the planet,” claims that methane produced by farm...
Note to The Guardian: Why a 17-Year-Old’s Ocean ‘Thermometer’ Won’t Save the Planet
Guest essay by Charles Rotter, originally published on Watts Up With That.
Oh, look, The Guardian is at it again, serving up a piping hot plate...
Illogically Facts —’Fact-Checking’ by Innuendo
Guest Essay by Kip Hansen
The latest fad in all kinds of activism to attack one’s ideological opponents via “fact checking”. We see this in...
Wrong, New York Times, the Great Barrier Reef is Not in Danger
An August 7th article in The New York Times (NYT) titled, Heat Raises Fears of ‘Demise’ for Great Barrier Reef Within a Generation claims...
No, Rigzone, Extreme Weather Is Not Becoming Increasingly Dangerous for Oil and Gas Companies
A recent article at Rigzone, “How Dangerous Is Extreme Weather for Oil and Gas Companies In 2024?” repeats the claim that extreme weather events like...
No, Newsweek, Sea Level Rise Is Not Causing Longer Days
Guest Post by David Middleton
*Editors' Note: This guest post by Geologist David Middleton discusses a recent claim in the media that sea level rise...
Right, The Federalist, EVs Aren’t as Popular With Consumers as Often Claimed
A recent article at The Federalist, “Nearly Half Of Electric Vehicle Drivers Regret Their Purchase,” reports on a recent worldwide survey of car owners...
The BBC Promotes Bad Science About Heat, Floods, Drought, and Wildfires
A recent BBC article, titled “How climate change worsens heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and floods,” claims that climate change is linked to four types of...