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Sorry, Axios, No Data Supports the Claim That Climate Change Is Causing More Extreme...

A search of Google News today for the term “climate change” turns up a story from Axios in which the author, Andrew Freedman, claims...

Yahoo News Repeats the False Claim Tuvalu Is Sinking Beneath Rising Seas, Data Show...

In an interview, Seve Paeniu, the finance minister of the island nation of Tuvalu, tells Yahoo News his country is sinking beneath rising seas...

Biden Administration Claims ‘tens of millions’ climate refugees coming, history shows otherwise

Recently Yahoo News ran an article, titled “Biden administration report foresees 'tens of millions' of climate change refugees in the coming decades. The report...
comparison of drought and green

New Buzzphrase: ‘Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes’ doesn’t agree with reality

There is a lot of press being generated this week over a new paper titled “Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes” (paywalled). Real-world...

Fighting Back Over Climate Censorship in Media , John Stossel Sues Facebook

As prize-winning journalist John Stossel notes in his most recent column at Heartland Daily News, Big Tech corporations have lied about his work and censored...

Sorry, Medical Journals, Evidence Indicates Climate Change Doesn’t Threaten Human Health  

A Google news search of the phrase “climate change” turns up dozens of stories promoting a joint statement issued on behalf of more than...

Fess Up, Washington Post, Actual Data Doesn’t Show Climate Change Made Ida Worse

A story in the Washington Post, titled “How climate change helped make Hurricane Ida one of Louisiana’s worst,” with Hurricane Ida as its news...

Kamala Blames Global Warming Rather than Covid Policies for Christmas Logistical Disruptions

Vice President Kamala Harris preemptively blamed global warming rather than ongoing Covid policies for the continuation of delivery delays and other logistical disruptions that...

How to Talk About Climate Realism as Climate Propaganda Piles Up

Among the top Google News search results today under “climate change” is an article by Bloomberg Green titled, “How to Talk About Climate Change...

Science Demonstrates Claims of Increasing Hurricane Activity Due to ‘Climate Change’ Are Simply False

One of the most common and often repeated claims by climate alarmists is that hurricanes are getting worse due to climate change; more of...