James Taylor

James Taylor is the President of the Heartland Institute. Taylor is also director of Heartland's Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism.



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New Climate Summary: Heatwaves Are LESS Frequent and Severe

Heatwaves during recent decades remain far less frequent and severe than was the case during the 1930s – nearly 100 years of global warming ago, reports a new topical summary at the website Climate...

Today’s Fake Crisis: Climate Change Harming Marriage Prospects in India

Among the top results today in a Google News search for “climate crisis” is an article published by The News Minute claiming climate change is causing a marriage crisis in India. The theory is...

Forbes Fables Part 3: Rising Global Food ‘Insecurity’ as Yields Set Records

Among the top Google News search results for “climate change” today, Forbes published an embarrassingly fictitious article making several false claims about climate change and rice production. The Forbes article is titled “Rice, Climate...

Forbes Fables Part 2: India and Thailand ‘Crisis’ as Rice Production Sets Records

Among the top Google News search results for “climate change” today, Forbes published an embarrassingly fictitious article making several false claims about climate change and rice production. The Forbes article is titled “Rice, Climate...

Forbes Fables Part 1: Guyana Rice ‘Crisis’ as Production Sets Records

Among the top Google News search results for “climate change” today, Forbes published an embarrassingly fictitious article making several false claims about climate change and rice production. The Forbes article is titled “Rice, Climate...

National Geographic Yells ‘Crisis!’ as Gyrfalcon Populations Thrive

A National Geographic article claiming Arctic gyrfalcons are corned and threatened by global warming is showing up at the top of Google News searches today under “climate change.” The problem is, gyrfalcons are widespread...

NY Times Doubles Down on Fake Guatemala Crop Failures

In an article published this morning and sitting atop Google News searches for “climate change,” the New York Times claims climate change is the primary reason people are leaving Guatemala and unlawfully entering the...

New Climate Summary Debunks Polar Bear Fears

Polar bear populations are increasing, not decreasing, as the planet modestly warms, reports a new climate summary at the website Climate at a Glance. Moreover, polar bears have survived and thrived in warmer historical...

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