H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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LA Times Caught Inventing Fake Link Between Climate, Drought, Wildfires

The Los Angeles Times has launched a new way to make money and gain leftists accolades from the false climate crisis: a new newsletter called “Boiling Point.” Sammy Roth, a Times energy reporter, opened...

No, GQ, Global Warming Has Not Launched Biblical End Times or the Antichrist

GQ magazine has asserted a host of climate lies as an excuse to publish an article titled, “The Climate Crisis Isn’t Coming, It’s Already Here.” The article presents the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...

Alarmist Media Wrong Again – Facts Prove More CO2 Benefits Crops and Plant Life

At the very top of Google News searches for “climate change” this week, an article in The Conversation falsely claims more atmospheric carbon dioxide will bring few if any benefits regarding plant life. The...

Al Gore Falsely Claims Fossil Fuels Raise Coronavirus Death Rate

Al Gore falsely attempted to blame fossil fuels for raising the coronavirus death rate during a February 27 MSNBC interview. In reality, economic prosperity brought by the use of abundant, affordable fossil fuels results...

Even Michael Moore Slams Wind and Solar Harms, Leftist Hypocrisy

The wind and solar industries are nothing more than crony rent-seekers destroying the environment while pretending to save it, socialist activist and filmmaker Michael Moore admits in his new film, Planet of the Humans....

Bill McKibben Caught Lying About Wind and Solar Costs

In a Los Angeles Times editorial, climate activist Bill McKibben claims, “In the last 10 years, engineers have driven the price of sun and wind power down below coal.” This is a falsehood that...

Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary Showed We Have Much to Celebrate

Now that the environmental posers have wrapped up their Earth Day griping, let’s take a look at some actual environmental facts. America’s air and water are cleaner now than at any time since Earth...

Guardian Deceives Readers with Clickbait Pandemic, Climate Change Link

The UK Guardian is scandalously deceiving readers with a new article titled, “Climate crisis will deepen the pandemic. A green stimulus plan can tackle both.” The body of the article cites no authority, and...

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