Tiffany Taylor

Tiffany Taylor is an associate policy analyst for the Heartland Institute.



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NY Times Claims Nepal Crop and Migrant Crisis – As Yields Set New Records

The New York Times invented a fake climate scare today (April 6), claiming climate change is causing thousands of people in Nepal to become migrants due to crop failure caused by climate change. The...

Reuters Invents Fake Seaweed Crisis as Harvests More than Double

Reuters published a March 30 article claiming climate change is causing a crisis in seaweed growth and harvesting. However, the facts say just the opposite. According to a 2018 United Nations Food and Agriculture...

Purdue Study Destroys ‘Permafrost Methane Bomb’ Climate Myth

Scientists at Purdue University have destroyed a key component of alarmist warming predictions, publishing a study showing thawing permafrost will cause far less methane to enter the atmosphere than conventional “settled science” models have...

Locust ‘Crisis’ Is Really About Abundant Rainfall

People, crops, livestock, and even insects thrive in conditions with more abundant food and water. Africa and the Middle East are currently enjoying abundant rainfall, benefiting each group of animals. Rather than celebrating this...

Facts Throw Cold Water on Greenland Melting Ice Scare

Media ignore 60 years of cooling and ice growth prior to past 25 years of ice loss Pace of ice loss amounts to less than 2 inches of sea level rise per century ...

Scientists Acknowledge Ocean Currents Not Slowing

Scientists are admitting ocean currents have been speeding up in recent years, dealing a stunning blow to ‘consensus’ climate science claims. For the past 20 years, climate alarmists and the alleged scientific consensus have...

Cognac Production Sets New Records, Despite Media Climate Scare

The establishment media is claiming climate change is decimating French cognac production, yet French cognac production and exports have risen for five consecutive years, setting multiple new records. A favorite tactic of climate alarmists is...

Winter Snowpack Is Growing, Despite CNN Misinformation

CNN is drumming up another fake climate scare, claiming that climate change is creating a “long-term drying trend” for winter snowpack. In reality, winter snowpack is experiencing long-term expansion around the globe. No wonder...

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