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Sorry, Weather Channel, Mangroves Will NOT Disappear in 30 Years

The Weather Channel published an article on its website Wednesday claiming global warming threatens the extinction of mangrove trees – which rely on warm...

The Heartland of America Is Clearly Benefiting from Climate Change

A speaker at a Cigar Society of Chicago event tonight is delivering a talk titled, “Climate Change Is Disrupting America’s Heartland: What We Can...

No, Climate Change Didn’t Invent Cyclical Locust Plagues

Parts of India are undergoing their worst locust invasion in decades, following a cycle that has occurred throughout recorded history. Climate alarmists and their...

Media Champions College Staffers Urging Fake ‘Climate’ Death Certificates

Five college employees in Australia published a letter in the medical journal Lancet demanding medical doctors list climate factors like heat more often as...

The Feared Autumn Coronavirus Rebound Would Discredit Climate Alarmists

In a desperate attempt to deny that global warming can bring any significant benefit, climate alarmists have brushed aside assertions that warm temperatures may...

No, Climate Change Does Not Cause Cancer

Among the top articles in a May 19 Google News search for “climate change” were a slew of articles claiming climate change causes cancer....

Double Jeopardy: Jurist Legal News Falsely Links Climate Change, Disease

Jurist Legal News continued its ongoing Michael Avenatti impression, prosecuting false claims linking climate change, disease, and coronavirus. In a May 14 article, “The Link...

Debunking Pro Publica’s Claims that Climate Change Spreads Viruses

Google News and the Climate Left are promoting a ridiculous article by Pro Publica arguing that climate change, rather than wind and solar power,...

LA Times Peddles Discredited Claims About Coronavirus, Climate

The Los Angeles Times has launched a new way to make money and gain leftists accolades from the false climate crisis: a new newsletter...

LA Times Caught Inventing Fake Link Between Climate, Drought, Wildfires

The Los Angeles Times has launched a new way to make money and gain leftists accolades from the false climate crisis: a new newsletter...