H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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Thanks, Spiked and Viscount Ridley, for Telling the Truth About Global Warming’s Benefits

Spiked Online ran an extensive article this week coauthored by noted British science journalist Matt Ridely, 5th Viscount Ridley, and Alina Chan, which describes the myriad benefits that have flowed from the recent period...

CBS’s 60 Minutes Uncorks an Old Wine Tale, Falsely Claiming Climate Change Is Causing a Wine Apocalypse, Again!

As a tie in to St. Valentine’s Day when wine is commonly on the menu, CBS’s 60 Minutes aired repeat Sunday night, uncorking a story it ran less than two months ago in late...

You’re Right, Washington Times, Biden’s Climate Policies Are Draining Americans’ Bank Accounts

The Washington Times recently ran a story detailing how President Joe Biden’s climate policies have dramatically increased energy prices over the past year, hammering average American pocketbooks. The newspaper couldn’t be more correct. The study...

Thanks, Wall Street Journal, For Noticing Computer Models Don’t Do a Good Job of Modelling Climate Change

An article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) sheds much needed light on a topic climate alarmists have been trying to hide for decades: General Circulation Models of the atmosphere, more commonly called climate...

Contra, The Hill, Climate Change Is Not Causing a Coral Catastrophe

A story in The Hill is publicizing research which claims most coral reefs are doomed because of climate change induced warmer oceans. This is false. Most coral reefs are thriving, having evolved during periods...

Sorry, Detroit Free Press, Climate Change Isn’t Suppressing Michigan’s Cherry or Apple Harvests

The Detroit Free Press ran a story today titled “Climate change is already hurting Michigan's cherry, apple crops — and it could get worse.” The title betrays the thrust of the story, that climate...

Relax, Wisconsin Public Radio, Climate Change Isn’t Making Human Health Worse

A story run by Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) today claims climate change poses a threat to human health. Disease and mortality data show this is false. During the recent period of modest warming, deaths...

The Costs of Government ‘Net Zero’ Commitments Are Much Higher Than Claimed by Alarmists Pushing Them

An article in The National Pulse discusses a recent study which shows the enormous economic costs that would be imposed to hit net zero carbon dioxide emission commitments by 2050, as proposed by several...

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