H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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Good News, PropertyCasualty360, Crop Losses Likely To Decline Amidst Modest Warming

Google News is promoting a story published by PropertyCasualty360.com, claiming global warming threatens “catastrophic crop loses,” from an increase in extreme weather events. However, data from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...

Google News Promotes Misinformation, Falsely Links Mexican Drought Story to ‘Climate Change’

A search of Google News today for the term “climate change” turns up a story from the Spanish daily newspaper El Pais (“the country,” in English) discussing the various harms people are suffering as...

Sorry, Google News, Blueberry Harvests Keep Setting Records Amidst Modest Warming

Among its top search results today for “climate change,” Google News is promoting a story published by AZO CleanTech claiming global warming threatens blueberry harvests in Maine. However, data from the United Nations Food...

Thanks, Washington Times, For Presenting the Unalarming Facts About Global Warming

The Washington Times published an article yesterday – on Earth Day – presenting the true facts about climate change. The story was refreshing because it cited data, not computer model speculations, to discuss what...

Rolling Stone Highlights Foods Benefiting from ‘Climate Crisis’

Rolling Stone magazine is attempting to turn a climate change success story into another fictitious crisis, identifying 11 foods allegedly being harmed by global warming. In reality, every crop discussed by Rolling Stone is...

Sorry, Google News, Crop Yields Keep Growing, Not Shrinking

Among its top search results today for “climate change,” Google News is promoting a story published by Courthouse News Service claiming climate change has caused a dramatic decline in farm productivity. However, data from...

Sorry, The Hill, Climate Change Isn’t Intensifying Migration

The Hill published an article Monday claiming human-caused climate change is responsible for at least some of the tidal wave of illegal immigrants flowing daily over the U.S. Southern border. The available evidence falsifies...

Media Claim Crop Reductions While Production Sets New Records

The media this week are breathlessly promoting a paper by researchers at Curtin University in Australia that says climate change is harming food production. In reality, crop data show food production is rising dramatically...

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