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NY Times Debunked: Climate Change NOT Tied to Pregnancy Risks

The New York Times published a sensationalist article this morning claiming a new study shows climate change is causing premature, underweight, and stillborn babies....

DailyKos: It’s OK for Climate Alarmists to Make Things Up Out of Thin Air

The leftist website Daily Kos published an article yesterday claiming climate alarmists are more scientifically credible when they make things up out of thin...

Media’s Fake Coffee Crisis Defies Record Yields, Relies on Dubious Projections

An article in Massive Science, highlighted at the top of today’s Google News searches for “climate change,” claims global warming is threatening a coffee...

No, Climate Change Didn’t Invent Cyclical Locust Plagues

Parts of India are undergoing their worst locust invasion in decades, following a cycle that has occurred throughout recorded history. Climate alarmists and their...

Study Shows Climate Change Expands North American Bird Ranges – Media Sounds Alarm

A newly published study shows North American birds are taking advantage of global warming to expand their ranges northward, without any shrinkage in the...

Media Champions College Staffers Urging Fake ‘Climate’ Death Certificates

Five college employees in Australia published a letter in the medical journal Lancet demanding medical doctors list climate factors like heat more often as...

A Tiny Bit of Life Spawns in Antarctica; Media Declares Crisis

Life is spawning in a few, tiny locations in Antarctica that recently did not sustain life. As small amounts of surface ice turn to...

Media Warns of Cassava Crisis as Production Keeps Setting Records

At the top of Google News searches this morning for “climate change” is an article suggesting climate change imperils cassava crops in Africa and...

LA Times Peddles Discredited Claims About Coronavirus, Climate

The Los Angeles Times has launched a new way to make money and gain leftists accolades from the false climate crisis: a new newsletter...

LA Times Caught Inventing Fake Link Between Climate, Drought, Wildfires

The Los Angeles Times has launched a new way to make money and gain leftists accolades from the false climate crisis: a new newsletter...