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Guardian Deceives Readers with Clickbait Pandemic, Climate Change Link

The UK Guardian is scandalously deceiving readers with a new article titled, “Climate crisis will deepen the pandemic. A green stimulus plan can tackle...

Kenya Owes the West a Climate Debt, Not the Other Way Around

Foreign Affairs magazine claims the West owes Kenya a “climate debt” due to crop failures and livestock shortages caused by climate change. However, nothing...

Associated Press Strikes Again, Twists Welcome African Rain into Locust Crisis

Bountiful rains during the past year are bringing treasured water to some of the driest regions of East Africa. Nevertheless, the Associated Press published...

Never Waste A Crisis

Coronavirus is a serious and unique global public health challenge that has crippled and shutdown much of the US and global economies with unprecedented...

NY Times Claims Nepal Crop and Migrant Crisis – As Yields Set New Records

The New York Times invented a fake climate scare today (April 6), claiming climate change is causing thousands of people in Nepal to become...

Climate Alarmists Invent New Fake Link to California Wildfires

The media are hyping a new study claiming climate change has doubled the number of high-risk wildfire days in California. The claim depends on...

UN’s Paris Climate Architect Dismisses Coronavirus Deaths and Misery

The architect of the United Nations’ Paris climate agreement has joined the list of climate activists calling coronavirus deaths “an opportunity.” While dismissing the...

Reuters Invents Fake Seaweed Crisis as Harvests More than Double

Reuters published a March 30 article claiming climate change is causing a crisis in seaweed growth and harvesting. However, the facts say just the...

NOAA’s Bogus Climate Scare: “Near-Annual” Great Barrier Reef Bleaching

Climate alarmists are back with a new and far-fetched Great Barrier Reef scare, just a few years after their most recent claims of massive...

Mann Blames Climate Change for Refugees – As Crop Yields Set Records

Prominent climate alarmist Michael Mann appeared on a March 29 CleanTechnica podcast claiming climate change is causing an uptick in refugees, even as beneficial...