James Taylor

James Taylor is the President of the Heartland Institute. Taylor is also director of Heartland's Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly publication devoted to sound science and free-market environmentalism.



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We Have a New Leader! World Given Just Six Months to Avoid Climate Doom

They laughed, they cried, and they mocked socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for saying the world will end in 12 years if we don’t immediately address climate change. As it turns out, AOC’s prediction marks...

No, NY Times, Climate Change Will Not End the 30-Year Mortgage

The New York Times is asserting a doozy of a fake climate claim today, scaring readers into believing they will no longer be able to get home mortgages because of climate change. The assertion...

NY Times Debunked: Climate Change NOT Tied to Pregnancy Risks

The New York Times published a sensationalist article this morning claiming a new study shows climate change is causing premature, underweight, and stillborn babies. Google News posted the Times article, titled “Climate Change Tied...

No, Coal Power Plants Did Not Cause Extinctions 250 Million Years Ago

Among the top results this afternoon for a Google News search of “climate change” is an article claiming ancient coal-burning caused a mega-extinction event 250 million years ago. In reality, massive volcanic eruptions that...

No, Google, Climate Change Is Not Killing Americans, It Is Saving Them

At the top of Google News searches this morning for “climate change” is an article titled, “Climate Change Is Killing Americans. Health Departments Aren’t Equipped to Respond.” The article, published by Columbia Journalism Investigations...

Sorry, Weather Channel, Mangroves Will NOT Disappear in 30 Years

The Weather Channel published an article on its website Wednesday claiming global warming threatens the extinction of mangrove trees – which rely on warm temperatures to live – within 30 years. Common sense and...

An Inconvenient Truth: Tornado Numbers Expose Al Gore’s Lies

In two articles published this past week here at Climate Realism, we showed how Al Gore’s predictions about melting glaciers in Glacier National Park and disappearing snows at Mt. Kilimanjaro have proven spectacularly wrong....

The Heartland of America Is Clearly Benefiting from Climate Change

A speaker at a Cigar Society of Chicago event tonight is delivering a talk titled, “Climate Change Is Disrupting America’s Heartland: What We Can Do About It and What We (maybe) Can’t.” The title...

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