H. Sterling Burnett

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., is the Director of the Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy and the managing editor of Environment & Climate News. In addition to directing The Heartland Institute's Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy, Burnett puts Environment & Climate News together, is the editor of Heartland's Climate Change Weekly email, and the host of the Environment & Climate News Podcast.



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NOAA Bureaucrats Falsely Claim ‘Extraordinary’ Sea Level Rise

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which relies on perpetuation of the Climate Delusion to maintain high funding, is falsely claiming there has been “extraordinary” sea level rise since 2000. Fox News and other...

Antarctic ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Is Really Doomsday for Climate Alarmism

A fake climate scare making headlines comes from researchers who say West Antarctica’s Thwaites glacier may soon collapse, raising sea levels by 6 feet or more over the next century. Alarmists are dubbing this...

No, Global Warming Did Not Create Pink Algae in Snow, Nor Is It Dangerous

Among the climate click-bait topics getting media attention today is a series of stories implying climate change is giving rise to algae on the Presna glacier in Northern Italy, leading to melting of the...

South Pole Warming Claims Contradicted by Actual Temperature Measurements

At the top of Google News results this week for “climate change,” an article in Treehugger is titled, “The South Pole is Warming 3 Times Faster Than the Global Average.” The New York Times,...

Washington Post Lies About Climate Change, Floods

Among the climate click-bait articles getting Google attention today is a piece in the Washington Post, ‘Millions of homeowners face flood risks without realizing it, and climate change is making it worse.” The article...

Phys.org Busted – Study Asserts NO Link Between Flooding and Climate Change

Phys.org has published an article, misleadingly titled, “How increased flooding due to climate change impacts waterways across U.S,” that is among the top Google News search results today for “climate change.” The article discusses...

New Climate Poll, Same Results: People Concerned, But Not Very Much

Every few months one polling firm or another releases a survey asking people if they would like action on climate change. And survey after survey says people would – if action is not too...

Alarmists Falsely Blame Climate Change for Localized Warming in Detroit

At the top of Google News search results today for “climate change,” a climate-activist meteorologist wrote an article attributing 3.3 degrees Fahrenheit of warming in Detroit over the past 50 years to global warming....

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