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The ‘Green Delusion’ is No Path to Energy Independence

Guest essay by Gregory Wrightstone When President Biden says that the U.S. will become energy independent by way of programs like the Green New Deal, perhaps the first question to ask is, “Does that make...

Joe Biden’s ‘Transition Away From the Oil Industry’ Is Strangling America’s Economy

By Levi A. Russell The root causes of the economic upheaval most Americans are experiencing right now are the subject of much discussion lately. Is it the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Is it Biden’s closing of the...

Global Temperatures vs. Global Crop Yields

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I keep reading that increasing temperatures will cause decreasing yields of our food crops, resulting in widespread hunger ... for example, the IPCC says: Declines in yields and crop suitability are...

“Green” Media Misrepresents World’s Energy Reality

By Vijay Jayaraj Fossil fuels are out. Coal is no longer king. The Middle East faces an oil crisis. These are typical headlines in the mainstream media. Unreported is the hard reality of the world’s fossil-dependent...

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